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Mark Pfoff

Mark Pfoff is an experienced computer engineer, turned detective and forensic examiner. After working as a computer engineer for 20 years; working for such companies as Digital Equipment Corporation and MCI, he went into law enforcement full time. Mark worked as a Detective with the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office in Colorado Springs, Colorado for over 10 years specializing in computer related crimes. He retired from law enforcement in October of 2014 after a 17 year career.

Currently, Mark provides consulting on cellular technology, call detail records, NELOS, cell phone forensics, computer forensics, police procedures, and investigations.

Mark has a wide range of knowledge concerning computers and computer forensics. He has personally examined thousands of items of digital evidence to include computer hard drives, cellular telephones, tablets, flash drives, memory sticks, DVDs, and CDs. His knowledge of technology has been utilized in many major criminal investigations. 

Mark conducted computer forensics and cell phone forensics for many local law enforcement agencies, and worked on cases with the US Military, Federal Law Enforcement, US Attorney’s Office, and commercial companies.  He has experience with both criminal and civil cases. 

Experienced providing expert testimony; Mark Pfoff has been qualified in district and federal court as an expert in historical call detail records analysis, cellular technology, NELOS, digital forensics, computer forensics, cell phone forensics, forensic computer technology, computer surveillance system analysis, child exploitation, law enforcement procedures and investigations. He has also been recognized as an expert in evidence collection, chain of custody, best evidence, proper evidence collection of digital evidence, and proper interviewing and interrogation techniques. He has testified numerous times in district court on a wide range of criminal cases to include child exploitation (pornography), sex assaults, robberies, kidnapping, and homicides. Mark has the ability to explain complicated forensic items in a way a jury can understand. 

As a Detective with the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office, Mark investigated many cases to include child exploitation, child abuse, identity theft, robberies, burglaries, kidnappings, sex assaults, and sex assault on a child. He assisted on numerous homicide investigations to include the murder of Colorado Department of Corrections’ chief Tom Clements and the Black Forest fire. 

Mark Pfoff has given numerous lectures and training. He developed a training class on cellular technology which he has given to attorneys in Colorado and Alaska. He currently teaches Colorado Revised Statutes, Preliminary Investigations, and Computer Crimes at the Pikes Peak State College Regional Law Enforcement Academy in Colorado Springs, CO..